I can't believe how fast time is flying! Our baby girl turned one month on May 8th, 2013
Age: 1 month
Height: 19 1/4 at birth. Not sure now..they never measured her at her last apt..ill have to measure her when she gets up from her nap!
Weight: around 8lbs (she was 7lbs 12oz at 2 week apt)
Milestones: Aynslee loves tummy time. She is starting to hold her head up for longer periods of time without any support. She is able to track an object and watch it go from side to side and up and down. She looks around when she hears her Mommy or Daddy talk.
Sleep: She sleeps in her big girl crib. She still is eating every three hours. About every other night she will eat at 11p and then not again till 3am. She does great being placed awake in her crib and putting her self to sleep.
Best Moment: Aynslee got dedicated at Newspring on May 5, 2013.
Worst Moment: Daddy crashing a motorcycle and having to visit him in the trauma bay in the ER..very scary but he is okay and feeling much better!!
Eating: Ayns eats every three hours. We only do breast milk. She does great. Mommy is pumping I save up for work time. She got her first bottle from Daddy on May 6th.
Extras: We feel so blessed to have such a healthy and happy baby. Can't even begin to describe the feeling and joy that parenthood has brought into our lives. Can't wait to see what the next months bring (even though time can sllloooowwww down)
1 month old |
2 days old |