Height: 23 1/2 inches (Mommy did the measuring so give or take a little ;) )
Weight: 13.4lbs (home scale, so who knows how accurate)
Milestones: She is sooo very vocal! She is able to squeal in delight and laugh out loud!
Sleep: Aynslee goes to bed around 9pm and I don't get to see her cute little face till after 7am (somedays it's a little sooner but those are getting fewer and far between)...all I can say is, like mother like daughter ;) She wakes and eats in the am and goes right bk to sleep till 10 or 11. And during the day she still does the eat, awake, (for about an hr, sometimes longer) then sleeps for about 1-2hrs..depending on how long she was up). BABY WISE. If you haven't heard of it or are waiting to read it...do it!!! Ill do a blog post all about it in the next couple of weeks :))
Best Moment: Swimming. We love the pool and most importantly Ayns loves the pool. We love the outdoor waterparks at the Y's!!
Worst Moment: Her spit ups! The girl knows how to spit up! Some days she will after every feed and then other days I won't see an oz of spit up. Most days it doesn't even phase her, but we do go through a million burp cloths!!
Eating: I still feed her every three hours during the day. I'm pretty sure we could switch to every four hours but I don't mind it and via my Baby Wise book it's okay to wait till 16 weeks to start every four hour feeds.
Extras: She is our traveling girl!! We first introduced her to car traveling first to....Minnesota, then it was traveling by plane to...Vegas! Our friends were getting married in Vegas and we couldn't imagine leaving our 2 1/2mnth old behind. Many couldn't believe we were taking a babe to Vegas but I wouldn't have allowed anything different. Thankfully my Mama and little sis came along so that Dom and I could still participate in the events without having her out in the wee hours of the morning ;) She did fabulous! Most didn't even know there was a almost-three month old on the plane. She slept the whole time both ways and didn't make a peep! Will post more about traveling later!
Our next stop was a quick trip to KC to see my good friend, Shani and her little man Edje! We had a yummy dinner at Cheesecake Factory (our fav!!) and finished it with Edje loving on Aynslee!! After leaving KC we headed to Lawrence for a little camping trip with my fam! It was soo fun to be with my WHOLE family and to see all the kiddos together! It was HOT but soo worth it!!
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July 8, 2013- 3 months old |