Height: 26 1/4 inches
Weight: 16lbs 2oz
Milestones: Rolled over from tummy to back on 10/8/13.
Sleep: Goes to bed between 8 and 830pm and wakes between 7-8am. Then usually naps from 9ish-11ish. Then she will nap again from 1ish- 330ish. She has been needing a third nap and will sleep from 5ish- no later than 615p. BUT we did hit a speed bump this month. The first week of Oct she started to wake up several times at night bc she would roll onto belly and didn't know that she could sleep on her belly. So after two nights of little sleep I knew I had to do something... So I took away the swaddle blanket and placed her on her belly to start with (this all happened before 10/8 when she then learned to roll back over, thankfully she hasn't had trouble with rolling onto her bk while sleeping..just yet anyways :) ). She fussed at first but I would let we cry for 10 min and then go in and pat her bottom and then repeat till she was asleep. This gave her reassurance I wasn't gone for good but also taught her she couldn't get out and be held. The first night it lasted around 50 min and by night three she was bk to our 'good' sleeper. We lay her on her belly and she stays put with no tears!! Naps have been hit or miss (thanks to our schedule and night owl life) but towards the end of the month we kind of got more of a routine down and I think it's helped her sooo much.
Best Moment: We went to the pumpkin patch on 10/7/13 and she LOVED it. She thought the animals were great and loved the hay-ride!
Worst Moment: She got her first boo boo, an ingrown nail. And we found out that she is allergic to adhesive. Thanks to a burn like sore on her inner finger. Looked like a 2nd degree burn with a blister in the middle :(( Sorry sis, no more princess bandaids for you!! Broke my heart! Let me tell you, being a Mama is much harder than being an intensive care nurse.
Eating: She still nurses at 9am, 1pm, 5pm, 9pm. Give or take if needed and also if she is starving at 1130 I won't make her starve ;). We have also introduced several fruits and vegetables. She has one or two servings of either or a day along with a serving of multigrain baby cereal. She has had peaches, sweet potatoes, carrots, avocado, banana, peas, and pears. She loves them all..humm..not sure what will be next but I have really enjoyed making them all fresh for her!
Extras: She is starting to be able to sit up for longer periods of time. She continues to love her exersaucer and loves to be read to. She is such a happy-smiley babe. We are blessed!!
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Her poor boo boo and then the bandaid that caused the bigger boo boo : ( |
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What the bandaid did to her poor finger. You can kind of see the blister in the middle of the red circle. : ((( |
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Crazy to look back at just how much our baby boo has changed. Time needs to SLOW!!! |