Height: 28 inches- 40th percentile
Weight: 17lbs 8oz- 20th percentile
Milestones: She will sign "all done"--> only with her left hand at this time though- 2/4/14. Claps with open hands- 2/5/14. Stands for extendend periods of time 2/6/14, no steps without holding onto her walker or someone's hands!
Sleep: Goes to bed between 7-8pm and wakes anywhere from 630a-830a. Naps are usually 9-11a (usually first nap is two hours after she wakes up) and 230-430p. She will find her blanket and dolly when she is ready for nigh night and will basically whine till she is in her crib. Bittersweet..but so thankful she loves her crib!!
Best Moment: First KS snow!!! She loves to be outside and threw a major fit when we came back in!!! She loves standing all by herself and is obsessed with phones!!
Worst Moment: she officially has four teeth. Two on top and two on bottom. She is always drooling and lately has had nasty nose boogers and lots of lovely poops!!
Eating: She still nurses at 9am, 1pm, 5pm and before bedtime. She LOVES to eat!!! She doesn't have any dis-likes. She doesn't prefer to touch cold foods (peaches/mandrin oranges) but will eat them off a spoon. She started eating oatmeal andnutrigrain bars. She has had strawberry and blueberry flavors (nutrigrain bars, yogurt, oatmeal, and puffs). No allergies so far. Will introduce the whole fruit after she is one!
Extras: She is so happy and so much fun! We are so blessed by her!! I'm starting to plan her first birthday party..and boy is it BITTERSWEET!! The theme will be a pancake and pajama party!!! It's been super fun planning and can't wait to see it all come together!! Stay tuned!