Age: 18 months
Height: 31 inches
Weight: 25lbs (with clothes and a Dipe) 23.8lbs at home and nakey ;)
Milestones: She started sleeping on a big girl mattress on 9.1.14. We officially got her a big girl bed from IKEA this last weekend on her 18month birthday!!
Sleep: Goes to bed between 7-8pm and wakes up around 745ish. On most days she still usually naps twice a day. It all truly depends on when she wakes. On most days she naps around 945-10am and is up around 1130am. Then afternoon nap is usually around 230pm and she naps till 4pm (give or take 15min). We have tried to transition to one nap but it just hasn't worked out. She does better even if it's a little cat nap in the am to help get her through the day :) and I'm okay with that!!
Best Moment: Her asking to sit on the potty and going potty. She tells us she has to go poop but hasn't actually gone on the toilet yet.
Worst moments: She is still cutting some teeth. She also got hand foot and mouth disease. Thankfully it was mild but it still was no fun!! Getting 18month shots :(. She was sick around her nine months shot time and then they were out of one of the main shots so we were a little behind...she was a total champ but as always it broke my heart to see her get an "owey."
Eating: She is a big human now :(. She loves to eat and doesn't really have any dislikes. She loves hot dogs, crackers (gold fish), cookies, and corn. Anything Mama and Dada are eating she thinks she needs to eat them too. With Our schedule it's hard to all sit down together for a meal, but we are working on that and enjoying what family time we do get together!
Extras: She loves talking on the Tango with her Uncle Cee and other family members that live far away. She loves her Lawrence cousins and her and Lou Lou are best friends. We are so thankful for this sweet little blessing and can't wait to see what this next couple of months bring!!
We have been around lots of babies these days so in return she is obsessed with them. We walk into a store and she sees anything baby related she yells, "BABY!!" We have been working on gently touches and being nice to babies. She truly loves them!! Hopefully she will be this excited whenever she has a baby around 24/7!