I can't believe how fast time is flying! Our baby girl turned two months on September 12th, 2015
Age: 2 months
Height: 22.5inches long 50th percentile
(Ayns was 22inches long)
Weight: 11lbs 4oz 50th percentile
(Ayns was 11lbs 12oz)
Milestones: Arbor laughed out loud at 6 weeks old. She smiles and coos all the time now. She slept 7.5hrs straight on Sept 8th!!
Sleep: She is still our wide wake baby. I never remeber Ayns staying awake so much during the day. We still do the eat,wake, sleep cycle and she's starting to really get the hang of it. She stays awake for about an hr after she eats. We put her down before she is too cranky and she usually puts herself to sleep within 5-10min of laying down. At night time she is still pretty fussy from 645p-till bath time. I usually give her a bath and do pjs/lotion around 8pm. She LOVES bath time and the sound of running water!! Around 830pm (sometimes earlier sometimes a little later...but what I aim for) she will nurse, read a book, sing aongs, pray, and go to sleep. I then wake her for a "dream" feed right before I go to bed. So usually between 1030-midnight. The. She will sleep a straight 6-7.5hrs. She usually wakes between 530am-6am will eat and then sleep till 9am. The we start our day. Mornings she is the happiest!!
Best Moment: Her tracking your voice and movement. Watching her big sis love on her and want to read her books!!
Worst Moment: She got her two month shots in 9.15.15. Broke this Mama's heart. She also got a very mild case of her big sisters cold (Ayns decided to actually share it with all of us)! Thankfully it was just a little cough and a runny nose. I'm hoping it's on it's way out of our house...and we have a *healthy* winter!
Eating: Arbor nurses every 2.5-3hrs during the day. This last week has been more consistent with the 3hr time Fran though. In the evenings when she is fussy I do feed her every two hours 630pm then again at 830pm. She hates the pacifier (mamas who have babes that take a Paci...be thankful! I hear so many say "you should be thankful she won't take one.." Ummm no!! Ayns was way more content in the evenings Bc if a Paci. Would rather deal with the hardship of taking it away cold turkey later down the road then her not having one at all!!). She also isn't a big fan of the bottle. But she will take it if I'm not in the room and she's truly starving!!
Extras: We will soon be going on our first (longer than 2.5hr) car trip! Wish us luck. Not so worried about my 2month old...more worried about her sassy two year old sis!! Haha. Also, this Mama heads back to work on 9.16.15. It's way harder with Miss Arbor than I thought it was going to be. Hopefully she is on her best behavior and her Nana has a wonderful, peaceful night with my two loves.
Weight: 11lbs 4oz 50th percentile
(Ayns was 11lbs 12oz)
Milestones: Arbor laughed out loud at 6 weeks old. She smiles and coos all the time now. She slept 7.5hrs straight on Sept 8th!!
Sleep: She is still our wide wake baby. I never remeber Ayns staying awake so much during the day. We still do the eat,wake, sleep cycle and she's starting to really get the hang of it. She stays awake for about an hr after she eats. We put her down before she is too cranky and she usually puts herself to sleep within 5-10min of laying down. At night time she is still pretty fussy from 645p-till bath time. I usually give her a bath and do pjs/lotion around 8pm. She LOVES bath time and the sound of running water!! Around 830pm (sometimes earlier sometimes a little later...but what I aim for) she will nurse, read a book, sing aongs, pray, and go to sleep. I then wake her for a "dream" feed right before I go to bed. So usually between 1030-midnight. The. She will sleep a straight 6-7.5hrs. She usually wakes between 530am-6am will eat and then sleep till 9am. The we start our day. Mornings she is the happiest!!
Best Moment: Her tracking your voice and movement. Watching her big sis love on her and want to read her books!!
Worst Moment: She got her two month shots in 9.15.15. Broke this Mama's heart. She also got a very mild case of her big sisters cold (Ayns decided to actually share it with all of us)! Thankfully it was just a little cough and a runny nose. I'm hoping it's on it's way out of our house...and we have a *healthy* winter!
Eating: Arbor nurses every 2.5-3hrs during the day. This last week has been more consistent with the 3hr time Fran though. In the evenings when she is fussy I do feed her every two hours 630pm then again at 830pm. She hates the pacifier (mamas who have babes that take a Paci...be thankful! I hear so many say "you should be thankful she won't take one.." Ummm no!! Ayns was way more content in the evenings Bc if a Paci. Would rather deal with the hardship of taking it away cold turkey later down the road then her not having one at all!!). She also isn't a big fan of the bottle. But she will take it if I'm not in the room and she's truly starving!!
Extras: We will soon be going on our first (longer than 2.5hr) car trip! Wish us luck. Not so worried about my 2month old...more worried about her sassy two year old sis!! Haha. Also, this Mama heads back to work on 9.16.15. It's way harder with Miss Arbor than I thought it was going to be. Hopefully she is on her best behavior and her Nana has a wonderful, peaceful night with my two loves.