Age: 8 months
Height: 26 3/4inchesWeight: 16lbs 2oz we gained 1lb!!!! Ayns kinda did the same thing around this age and weighed in at 16lbs 6oz.
Milestones: I feel like this is the month that she grew and learned so much in just a week span. She's def getting too big these days.
- She eats puffs all my herself with her two cute little "pincher" fingers.
- She army crawls solo (allllll over the house) 3.7.16
- She can say, "Hi" (2.4), "Mama" (3.7), "Nana" ( 3.13), "Dada" (3.14).
- She plays.."peek-a-boo," "sooo BIG," and waves hi and bye!!
Naps- 945-1130a or so.. Then again around 1pm-330 or 4pm. Depending on her last nap of the day, will depend on if she takes a 45min nap around 445 or so.
Bed- Bath around 7-730pm. Bed time around 730p or 8pm. She wakes anywhere from 5-645am to nurse, then right back to bed till about 8a or so!
Best Moment: Watching her little eyes have such JOY in them when she is experiencing or seeing something new. She LOVES her sis and Daddy. She's the sweetest (and crabbiest at times haha).
Worst Moment: She is much more content these days. She loves being able to explor on the floor. I think we have her tummy issues (pooping) figured out. So besides a little runny nose..this month was a GOOD month!!
Worst Moment: She is much more content these days. She loves being able to explor on the floor. I think we have her tummy issues (pooping) figured out. So besides a little runny nose..this month was a GOOD month!!
Eating: She usually early, early am (5-645am), 9am, 1230pm, 415pm, then before bed. Some days she has one more session shoved in there. But we have to nurse away from others or else she will be too distracted too eat!!
She loves, LOVES to eat!! Puffs, yogurt puffs anything she can do solo is her fav! She's tried:
- pears
- sweet potatoes
- peas
- mangos
- baby yogurt (peaches and pears).
I've been slower with her due to her having tremendous pain every time she would eat something, up until she would poop. Thankfully she is a daily pooper (I know y'all wanted to know...but I'm sure someday she will care ;) ) these days!!
Extras: Bath time is her JAM!! She LOVES it. Like loves!!! We are so excited for summer time and can't wait to spend out days at the pool!!!