Blogging has defiantly taken a back seat in my life these last couple of months. Starting a new job and catching up on sleep has been where my time has gone. I always said that I wanted to blog so that I could look back on those sweet moments that I never want to forget. So-I'm going to play catch up and share with you a few of my favorite moments of my pregnancy.
August 20, 2012- The test that changed our lives. I was so excited to tell Dom but I couldn't just scream or run and tell him because we were living at my parents house. I had to be secretive so I left this on our dresser for Dom to see when he came to bed. |
September 24, 2012: I was 9 weeks pregnant. Thanks to Tiffany Trotter for keeping a HUGE secret and taking some fun pics of me (she is truly the best, soooo thankful for her). These pictures are how we eventually told our families we would be welcoming a babe into our home!! |
November 9, 2012: WE bought and moved into our first house. So much to celebrate these last couple months, but we felt very blessed that buying our first home was what the lord had in store for us next. We love our new home and can't wait for it to be where lots of new memories are made. |
November 13, 2012: Found out that this blessing inside of me is a little GIRL. We had some of our friends over for a gender reveal/house warming party. We are truly in love with this little girl and can't wait to meet her!!! |
November 17, 2012: We spent the weekend in Lawrence/KC. Went to a KU football game and then to a Chiefs game the next day. Our Lawrence trip was one I will always remember because it is the first time that I also felt little miss move inside of me (I was 16 weeks almost 17 weeks pregnant). At first I didn't think it was real but it kept happening and so I knew it was her moving all around!! BEST.FEELING. EVER. |
December: A little bump picture around Christmas time. This was our first Christmas in our new house. We soaked in every second of it and of course I loved being able to decorate our own space.
January: I finally got to meet the newest addition to our family. Our niece, Amelia Lou Herrill was born on 12/30/12. Sadly due to our schedules wasn't able to meet her till she was a week old but here we are snuggled up with Baby A. Love these little girls soooo MUCH!!! |
February 11, 2013: 4D sono time. This was one of the best days of my pregnancy. We felt extremely blessed when she gave us this big smile. Seruiously, put our hearts at ease and we reminded of the how amazing our God truly is. What a blessing this smile will be and is to our family!! LOVE HER!!! |
And many times did we get to see your sweet face. Here are some of your first pictures : ) |
February 25, 2013: Got to spend an evening taking pictures and capturing my growing baby bump. Thank you sooooo much to Gabrielle White Photography --> Make sure you go and "like" her page and check her out on facebook.. HERE |
March 9, 2013: A huge thank you to Shani, Tiffany, Ang, and Beth for throwing us an amazing shower!! It was truly a day that I will never forget. It was so great to have my favorite people in one room!!! |
Ang drove 9 hours down to spend this special day with us. What a special/fun/rainy day it was!!!
March 16, 2013: All my sweet Aunts threw us a shower the next weekend. Dom and I feel extremely blessed to have such wonderful families. We hate being so far away from all of Dom's family but we can't wait to see them and for them to meet baby girl as well.