Saturday, June 15, 2013

Aynslee Lou- 2 months old

Aynslee Lou- 2 months old

Age: 2 months

Height: 22inches, puts her in 30th percentile for height (I'm sure this will change soon :))

Weight: 11lbs 12oz (70th percentile for weight)

Milestones: Aynslee started to smile. She has the cutest/biggest smile. I'm so lucky to be her Mama! She also started to coo and loves when you repeat after her. She loves to sit facing forward when you hold her to make sure she doesn't miss out on any action.

Sleep: She still is sleeping and taking all naps in her crib. She is sleeping from 9-930p till 5-530am most nights. She has done one night of 9pm-730am. She is such a good little sleeper. So thankful!!

Best Moment: Seeing her smile. She also went on her first road trip to meet some of our family that lives in Minnesota. It's always nice seeing family that we miss dearly!! Aynslee did fabulous in the car (will have a post soon about traveling with a breast fed babe).

Worst Moment: 2 mnth shots. That tetanus shot is no fun!!

Eating: Aynslee is still breastfeeding every 3-4 hours during the day. She eats only on one side for about 5-10 minutes. I was afraid that she was not getting enough but clearly she is getting plenty ;)

Extras: I went back to work so Ayns has had a few sleep overs with Nana and Poppa and a few nights hanging out with Daddy solo. I'm so lucky to have such a flexible schedule so that Ayns doesn't have to go to daycare and that people whom love her can watch her!!