Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Aynslee Lou- 4 months old

Age: 4 months

Height: 24 1/2 inches 50th%

Weight: 14lbs 4oz 60th%

Milestones: Giggles out loud now. August 4th- First cereal experience. August 6th- Started to purposely reach and grab objects.

Sleep: Goes to bed between 830-930pm and sleep till 7 or 8, then bk to sleep till about 11-noonish. Sometimes she still will wake around 6am but eats and is ready for bed again. She still naps for about 1 1/2hrs after she eats and plays.

Best Moment: Bonding with cousins and family during our family reunion back in July.

Worst Moment: I can't think of any in this last month...still spits up, we are use to it by now though! ;)

Eating: Eats every three hours while awake. Started introducing cereal around 730pm when Mommy is off work.Wanting to try and get her to every four hours during the day....

Extras: She is such a happy baby. We feel mighty blessed!!!

Ornery little booger already sticking her tongue out!! 

Crazy to look back at just how much she has changed in four months.... :(