Age: 12months
Weight: 18lbs 8oz
Milestones: She definitely has the whole walking thing down (3.26.14). She even has going up stairs mastered and "slidding" off of the couch.
*She is able to say: Mama, Dada, hi, bye, on, Nana, nigh-night, more, ball, and huh.
*She is able to sign: more, all done, bye-bye, wave hi, and eat.
*Animal sounds that she knows are: doggy, cow, monkey, and for her Daddy she will do a wolf howl! Sooo cute!!!
Sleep: Goes to bed between 7-8pm and wakes around 7-730am. Naps are usually 9-11a (usually first nap is two hours after she wakes up) and 230-430p. It's been awhile now since she has cried when we put her in her crib for nap or bed time. She LOVES her bed and "nigh-nigh" time :) (I swear by baby-wise :) )
Best Moment: Celebrating her first birthday with a Pancake and Pajama party on 4.5.13. So thankful for all the wonderful family and friends that we have in our life!!!
Worst Moment: She has five teeth now. Working on getting two more bottom teeth at this moment...poor thing! Thank goodness she tolerates pain like her Mommy and not like her Daddy ;))
Worst Moment: She has five teeth now. Working on getting two more bottom teeth at this moment...poor thing! Thank goodness she tolerates pain like her Mommy and not like her Daddy ;))
Eating: She still nurses at 9am, 5pm and before bedtime. Got rid of her 1pm feed. She eats three meals and two snacks. She LOVES to eat!!! Having trouble with her drinking cows milk but thinking we have a winner with Hildebrand Milk (local milk from Junction City, Ks). I think it has a bit more sweetness to it like the good ol' boob...keeping our fingers crossed she continues to not spit it out or act like she is gagging! Will continue to wean with the hopes that we will