Age: 19-22 months
Height: 34 1/2 inches (3/1/15)
Weight: 27lbs (with clothes and a Dipe) 24.5lbs at home and nakey ;) 2.7.15
Milestones: *We started (more relaxed, go with the flow) potty training! 1.13.15 she went poop in the potty (I know y'all don't care..but I blog to look back at and compare different things to). She does pretty well as of the first of February. She will now tell us she has to go "poopy" all the time. It's often her just needing to go potty but still exciting that she's starting to take the initiative. Also, in the last few weeks when we are out in public she will tell me she needs to go and actually go.
*1.20.15 she uses please, thank you, and excuse me pretty frequently now days.
* 1.28.15 She started talking in complete sentences. Her first sentence was, "I sit down on couch." Some of her favorite phrases are "Why, Mommy?" "Stop it!!" <-- she usually only says that to her Daddy when he keeps bugging her. She also loves, "Oh goodness!" She's a hoot and we are so thankful for her!!
Sleep: Goes to bed between 7-8pm and wakes up between 0730-0800. She naps once a day...usually goes to sleep between 1-2pm and sleeps 2-3hours.
Best Moment: We had a wonderful Christmas together as a family.Aynslee loves spending time at her Nana and Poppa's house. We went to a concert in KC and she loved it and enjoyed every second of it!!
Worst moments: Her getting soo big that she knows how to "work" Mom and Dad now!! And her little fit throws where she throws herself on the ground and puts her head into her arms. :(
Eating: She loves to eat. Yogurt is still one of her favorites along with whatever Mama and Daddy are eating. She is super weird with meats. If it's cut up and mixed in something she gobbles it down. If Dom fries the turkey or ham on the stove she loves it. If it's on our plate she wants it. But just plain meat it's a challenge to get her to eat it. Thankfully we place any food she doesn't eat (reasonable portion) into a container and she must eat her food for lunch or dinner before she can have a snack or a sweet treat. Works like a charm every time!! :))
Extras: I can't wait to see Ayns be a big sissy. She loves, loves, loves babies so it will be fun for her to have one around all the time....or not!! Hahahaha