Age: 24months
Height: 35 inches
Weight: 26.7lbs! We will weigh her at Dr. Next week but this is nakey on home scale!!
Milestones: -Someone is officially potty-trained during the day as of 3.15.15. She has officially been napping without a diaper since 3.29.15. I haven't been brave enough to try night time. We had to just cut pull-ups all the way out Bc she was using them as a crutch. Since March she has had one pee accident and one pooping accident...both on Nana/Poppa's watch ;))!!
-Aynslee knows her ABC's and can count to 10 (sometimes skips over four and five).
-Can put on her own pants, socks, and moccs. Still needs help with her shirt. She is good at pulling down her pants and undies to use the potty now too!
-She says "I love you" first and then wants an immediate response of "I love you, too!"
-She talks, talks, talks!! Some of her favs are, "oh goodness" "hold you little bit" "I love you, too" "NO!" "Stop it!"
Sleep: Goes to bed between 7-8pm and wakes up between 0645-0800. Sleep has definitely been interesting these last couple of weeks. Aynslee learned how to turn a door handle so if she would wake just from a toss and turn she would immediately get up and come into our room. We quickly put a stop to it and she has to stay in her room until 0700. Thankfully the last week she has been sleeping in till 0730. She still (90% of the time) takes a 2-2 1/2 hr nap every afternoon. She goes down for a nap between 1-230pm. Hoping she continues with the good sleeping habits when her baby sister arrives.....zzzZzz!
Best Moment: Nana took the girls to see Disney on Ice. She absolutely loved it and loved the time with her cousins! Being potty trained I feel like is a huge accomplishment and one I wanted to be checked off before sis arrives :).
Worst moments: Her SCREAMS!! This girl is ornery, strong willed, and oh-so independent!! She knows how to test her Mama and Daddy!!
Eating: She still loves to eat...but on her own time! Of course, my strong willed child likes to be in control of when and what she eats...Ughhh!! Well- this mama doesn't offer choices for meals. You get what you get and you eat it or no "sweet treat!" This has worked wonders. She might not eat it during meal time but she knows that she has to eat it before she gets anything else to eat!!!
Extras: This has been a year of so many joys and firsts!! I can't believe she is two!! I can't wait to see what this year brings and how she adapts into the role of being a big sister. We are so thankful to have this little girl as our first born and love her to the moon and back!! <3 <3