Aynslee loves the water and going to the swimming pool. So I couldn't think of a better party than a "Splashin' Birthday Party!!"
Our local YMCA has the best party packages and several differnet activity options to pick from. They provide the cake/cupcakes, ballons, party favors, and all plastic stuff! It was perfect for this lazy-prego- Mama!!
I of course couldn't not do anything so Ayns and I made a few fun "treats" for her friends as well!!

The things you need to make a swimming fish sweet treat.
1. Blue candy (m&ms, sixlets, jelly beans etc..). You will use this as your "water."- Nifty Nut House
2. Clear plastic bags with ties- Dollar Tree
3. Swedish Fish- Dollar Tree
I just picked my sixlets and jelly beans together and placed them in the bottom of the clear plastic bags. You can make them as full as you want...
Next up is adding the fish. If you didn't want to use something sweet here gold fish would be another perfect option. Again, use as little or as many as you want. We did TWO for the birthday girl ;).
All done!! You can use the ties the bags come with or get your own cute ribbon. I placed these in another goodie bag but you could also add a little note to these as a little "thank you!!"
I knew the YMCA provided a goodie bag but wasn't so sure what all it had..I found this cute sand-pail goodie bag idea on pinterest and then added some of Aynslee's favorite things.
1. Homemade Bubble Guppies coloring book
2. Goldfish pack- Sams
3. Crayons- Dollar Tree
4. Bubbles- Dollar Tree
5. Sand Castle Pail - Dollar Tree
6. Bubble guppie tattoos- Party City
7. Homemade swimmin' fish treat bag
Aynslee had so much fun with her cousins and friends!!