Tuesday, June 16, 2015

36 week bump-date (baby #2)

How far along: 36 weeks..time needs to sloooowwwww down!!! Can't believe she could be here next week... 😁😁😁

Gender: GIRL!!! So excited for Aynslee to have a sissy!! 

Weight gain: too much..but I'll just keep thinking it's water and an increase in blood volume. Hahaha 

Stretch marks: Nope *fingers crossed* Ordered some new stuff called Hollywood Cocoa butter cream and it got damaged in transit. Back to my normal cocoa butter and bio oil! So far, so good!! 

Maternity clothes: All I wear these days when I'm not in scrubs or pjs! 

Sleep: Been fine..I wake up to go pee a million times but I have no problem falling back asleep!!! I love to take a nap during the day and now that Aynslee is in school on Thursdays I don't feel so guilty. I get lots done on Thursdays!! 

Best moment this week: Ayns got to see the hospital where sissy will be born. She really gets that baby sis will be here "soon!!" 

Worst moment this week: nothing really. Just not being able to go, go, go Bc of contractions. If I do to much I'll have a to. Of real contractions in a row!

Miss anything: Bending over and picking stuff up off the floor with ease. Also, keeping up with my toddler has been hard to do these days!! 

Movement: She def is a mover! Love it!!! Never really got to feel Aynslee's body parts but this little girl let's me feel everything!!! 

Cravings: Watermelon, sweets, and provolone cheese. I'm still loving all the fresh fruits!! And this week my sweet tooth has been linked to LEMON BARS!!! Yummmmo!! 

Queasy or sick: No! Thank goodness... just a little heart burn here and there!! 

Looking forward to: My Dr coming back into town and my next dr apt! I'm already 90% effaced and 2 (almost 2.5cm) dilated... So she cannot come till at least next week!!! 

Sooo thankful that I haven't had to be on bed rest this pregnancy. My BP is elevated from my baseline but nothing like it was during my pregnancy with Ayns. Urine looks good and baby continues to have a strong heartbeat!! God is soo good!!