Monday, July 20, 2015

Arbor Victoria's BIRTHday- 7.12.15

I love reading birth stories so I figured it was time to share our experience, before it slips my mind!!

*I'll apologize now but it's very lengthy and maybe boring to some..but I wanted to write down everything so that in the years ahead and when Arbor is interested I'll remeber every detail!!*

I'll go back just a few weeks before she was born...on June 28th Dom and I planned a dinner and movie date. So Aynslee had been up at my moms all day since Dom and I had both worked the night before. I woke up around 3pm on the 28th to get ready for our date. I felt fine was just having my normal contractions that I'd been having since 35 weeks. We got to the movies and I noticed that my contractions were pretty regular. They were coming every 3-5..some were more painful than others, but some did cause some major discomfort. The movie ended and the contractions had been going on for 2hrs at that time. I told Dom we better skip the movie and head home. I let my mom know what was going on and we headed home. The contractions continued (going on three hours of contractions still 3-5min apart. I called the on-call nurse and she said to head to the hospital. I took a bath and made sure no matter what I did they still were coming :)..I didn't wanna be that girl!! We get there right at shift change and so we wait a little bit in waiting room. It hurts to sit so I'm standing and moving around. We finally go back to our room. They check me and I'm at 2cm and having contractions every three min. They watch me for an hr and then re-check me. I went from a 2 to a 3cm but my station hadn't change any. They say they are gonna watch me one more hour. After that hour my contractions were still continuing (not super painful) but no further changes. So they sent us home....contractions finally settled down around 1am....and the days following I just had my regular intermittent contractions. Until... 

On July 11th I noticed I was having more painful contractions but nothing consistent at all. I had my membranes stripped (for the second time) and noticed that if I was moving around the contractions were super consistent. Dom was working so I went up to my parents house. My dad, Aynslee, and I went for a walk. The contractions then started to come every 3-8min. It was 8:30pm and I needed to get home so Ayns could go to bed (even though my Mom insisted in her staying with them but I refused ;)). Around 10pm the contractions continued and some were even stopping me in my step. I pumped for thirty min like I had been doing for a couple days to get some oxytocin going..and the contractions continued. More painful than ever...Dom was at work so I called him to see if he could come at mid-night. He said yes.  My mom ended up coming out to our house to stay with Ayns and Dom eventually was able to make it home. 

We took our time getting to the hospital. One of my lovely high school friends just happened to be working that night and was AMAZING! Got to the hospital around 0100 on 7.12. Still having contractions 3-5min apart and starting to get more painful. Thankfully Dr. Christman was at the hospital and would be able to check me and see me right away. 

I got to my room and all settled in. Dr. Christman came in and I was dilated to a 4-4.5cm. He is the BEST! He was in no hurry to do anything and just wanted to see what I would do over night. He sat on the couch and talked with Dom and I. He's the sweetest. Meanwhile I was having the WORST back labor. Like something I've never experienced before. Ughh. Thankfully moving around and a hot pack helped so much. I was so thankful to have a nurse that I knew and who was (is) so good at what she does!!!

At 0415 I was dilated to a 5cm and 90% effaced. So making progress. I loved the bouncy ball and my hot back. Moving was much better than sitting in bed!! I also started getting my antibiotic that I would need a couple doses of since I was GBS+.

Water broke around 0945. Went from a 5-6 pretty fast. Around 1030am my pain was out of control. I had to pee often (I was trying to chug the water to stay free of IV fluid but I also got three doses of antibiotics).   

At 1100 I finally caved and asked for an epidural. I was having contractions that were lasting up to 8min in length and was in SO. Much. PAIN!!!! I was dilated to a 6cm and 100% effaced. I went to the bathroom...could hardly get up from the toilet and so I knew if I wanted to get was now or never!! 

Much better experience this time around than with Aynslee. I got to sit up vs lay down with Aynslee. The epidural started to go into my left leg again like it did with Ayns but she stayed with me and made it right. With Ayns the anestheologist didn't fix it and I could still feel EVERYTHING!! With Arbor it took awhile for it to settle in but thankfully it worked!! 

At 1230pm I was dilated to 8cm. 
At 1315 I was dilated to 9cm. 
At 1350 I was complete. Eeekkk. 
And at 1401 our little baby boo entered the world, eyes wide open and screaming her head off!!! 

We did an hr off skin to skin. She had a hard time keep her temp up so I got to do a little longer ;). 

I had a wonderful birth experience and was so pleased with the medical team!! 

Now some pics!! 
Last belly pic..taken 7.11.15

0200 on 7.12.15

Getting crazy...maybe just a little sleep deprived!! 

Hello sweet girl!!! 

I didn't expect to cry with Arbor Bc I didn't with Aynslee. But I KNEW what that love felt like this time around and couldn't believe I was the Mama to another healthy baby girl. God is sooo good!!

Dr. Christman is the BEST!!! 

7.12.15,1401, 7lbs 9.2oz, 19 1/4 inches. 

She was instantly in love with her sissy!! 

First bath!! 

Going home! 

Breaking out of jail ;) 

1st night at home 
