Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Aynslee Lou- 4 months old

Age: 4 months

Height: 24 1/2 inches 50th%

Weight: 14lbs 4oz 60th%

Milestones: Giggles out loud now. August 4th- First cereal experience. August 6th- Started to purposely reach and grab objects.

Sleep: Goes to bed between 830-930pm and sleep till 7 or 8, then bk to sleep till about 11-noonish. Sometimes she still will wake around 6am but eats and is ready for bed again. She still naps for about 1 1/2hrs after she eats and plays.

Best Moment: Bonding with cousins and family during our family reunion back in July.

Worst Moment: I can't think of any in this last month...still spits up, we are use to it by now though! ;)

Eating: Eats every three hours while awake. Started introducing cereal around 730pm when Mommy is off work.Wanting to try and get her to every four hours during the day....

Extras: She is such a happy baby. We feel mighty blessed!!!

Ornery little booger already sticking her tongue out!! 

Crazy to look back at just how much she has changed in four months.... :(

Thursday, August 8, 2013

My Fav Baby Items: 3 Months/4 Months

Aveeno baby face stick: Summer time means lots of sun and being outside. I knew that I needed to find a great sunscreen that would protect Aynslee's skin and something that was baby friendly! You can never go wrong with Aveeno. Their baby face stick is super convenient and doesn't make her breakout or get any weird skin rashes.

Car mirror: We seem to be in the car more than not, this has been put to good use in our home. It's very nice to be able to see what she is doing at all times!

Summer brand Video Monitor: Anyone who is having a baby I recommend investing in the video monitor vs just a regular monitor. It's what helped us feel safe placing Aynslee in her crib since she was 10 days old!! It's nice now bc she recognizes us and if she is fussy we can see what she needs without her seeing us!! Summer brand is very affordable with great ratings!!

Bottle Drying rack: You will find yourself doing lots of dishes. No matter if you are a breastfeeding Mama or use formula. This drying rack comes in very handy, we was LOTS of bottles.It's nice having a dry rock just for bottles and breast-pump parts so they don't clutter up the counter top.

Baby Wise: The best book ever!!! I have read and re-read this book and I love it. I have defiantly tweaked a few parts to make it perfect for Ayns and our family but I love the philosophy and I truly believe Ayns is a happier babe because of it!

Sensitive Baby Wipes, Target Brand: I'm definitely a pampers fan but these target brand wipes are the best! They are very soft and thick and make the whole clean up process so easy.

Bumbo Seat: Love this seat! It goes anywhere, the bathroom, kitchen counter, and even on the back porch. Aynslee is always wanting to sit up and see the world and this lovely seat allows her to do so!

Find it HERE

Find this lovely item, HERE

LOVE this item, find it HERE

You will find this item on our cabinet at all times as well as HERE

BEST book EVER..find it HERE

For a clean bottom, find these HERE

The perfect seat that grows with your babe, find it HERE

She LOVES her seat = )