Sunday, November 24, 2013

Aynslee Lou- 7 months old

Age: 7 months

Height: 27 inches

Weight: 16lbs 6oz (little peanut)

Milestones: Sitting position to tummy (mid October). Waving "Hi" and "Bye" 10/26/13--> I thought she was doing it a little bit before this date but couldn't really tell and then on the 26th we were in target and a stranger said "hi baby" and she waved high with her left arm! Too cute!! "Crawling" 10/26/13, she isn't up on all fours but she moves one extremity after another and gets to where she wants in NO TIME!!

Sleep: Goes to bed between 8pm and wakes up around 730am. She is now much better at naps. Usually sleeps from 9am-1130ish and then again from 130-4ish. Sometimes she will go a whole three hours. She did have a moment towards the end of Oct where she was waking up at 5am starved, I nursed her and she would sleep till 8am on those nights.

Best Moment: Celebrating her first Halloween!! She was the cutest kitty kat ;). We just went around to see family this year! It was fun and she enjoyed seeing all whom love her!!

Worst Moment: Leaving her for work is always the hardest and her getting bigger and more interactive makes it that much harder on this mama!!

Eating: She still nurses at 9am, 1pm, 5pm and 8pm. She also will eat two servings of a grain and one serving of vegetables and one of fruits. She still loves the gerber puffs!!!

Extras: She is our smiley, bright eyed, makes any gloomy day bright, glorious girl! She is truly a blessing and can't believe she is 7months!!!

Our little Kitty Kat on her first Halloween!!!

Aynslee and her great-grandmother (Memo)

Crazy to think that Halloween 2012 I was prego and this Halloween I was holding my sweet, sweet girl!!

Wouldn't lay flat to save my life.....

Miss this tiny little pea

BUT love this goofy 7 month old!

wouldn't stay still again.... : )

and just had to hold her dolly..oh how times are changing, love it!!!