Thursday, August 21, 2014

Aynslee Lou- 13-16 months old

Age: 13-16months 

Height: 31 inches- Aug 2014

Weight: 21lbs- Aug 2014

Milestones: She started understanding and saying the word "no" and "yes" in context the middle of July 2014. She can go up and down stairs (with supervision of course). She sat on the potty and actually went potty on 8.26.14. She loves throwing things away in the trash can. We started gymnastics the first of August and she LOVES it. She threw her first "two-year old" fit a week ago. We are trying to only allow paci at bedtime and in the car and she doesn't like that idea so much! Haha oh the joys that are ahead with my diva child! 

*She is able to say: lots of things.. Her favorite is prob names of people and No! 

Sleep: Goes to bed between 7-8pm and wakes around 7-730am. Naps are usually 9-11a (usually first nap is two hours after she wakes up) and 230-430p. She could prob go to one nap but some days she takes two naps and almost sleeps three hours during each one and then other times she barley wants to sleep for an hr. So I'm sure a transition to one nap a day is in our near future....

Best Moment: If you ask her for a kiss she smacks one right on the lips (most of the time..other times we get a big fat NO!) or her blowing kisses whenever Dada or I leave for work! 

Worst Moment: Isn't a huge fan of riding in the car these days. She is cutting all of her molars and the rest of the teeth that are due to be in (she currently has four teeth on top and four on bottom)...of course all at once!! She has also just recently learned to climb out of her crib...ughhh..I could have done without this stage! It's been very interesting. So far socks have worked to keep her in. I think a toddler bed is right around the corner.. :( 

Eating: She officially stopped nursing July 7th (15months old). I'm proud to say she only had one four oz bottle of formula and that's bc Dad was scared to use the milk I left for them one night while I was working. He said it didn't "smell" right ;). I know that sounds snobby to brag about how long I nursed but I'm extremely took lots of hard work and dedication and I'm so thankful Ayns and my body allowed me to nurse that long!! Mornings were the hardest to give up for her but with the help of yogurt and TV she slowly forgot about the boobies! She loves drinking milk from a sippy cup now and will drink any brand!! She isn't a picky eater and loves COOKIES!! She def has Mama's sweet tooth. 

Extras: We went on our first family adventure out of the country June 2014. She loved it and was a great traveler. We put her pack n play in the bathroom and she slept like a dream. It was nice to be with my WHOLE family for a week. Oh-what I would do to be laying on the beach right now!! 

We have been around lots of babies these days so in return she is obsessed with them. We walk into a store and she sees anything baby related she yells, "BABY!!" We have been working on gently touches and being nice to babies. She truly loves them!! Hopefully she will be this excited whenever she has a baby around 24/7!

Some of my favorite pics since my little girl turned ONE! 

April 2014- Easter with the cousins

June 2014: first trip out of the country to Mexico! 

June 2014: Mexico trip

July 2014: mini session with Tina Cash Photography

July 30, 2014. Sweet Kingston was born!! 

August 2014: Silly pics 

August 2014: KU fan day to watch football practice! 

August 2014: gymnastic class at Wichita Gymnastic Club

❤️❤️❤️❤️  Excited for the months to come. So thankful for our little princess!!!