Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Arbor Victoria- 6 months old

Arbor Victoria- 6 months old

Age: 6 months

Height: 26 1/4 inches (55th percentile)

Weight: 15lbs (25th percentile) 

Milestones: Sits un-supported for a good amt of time. I still wouldn't leave her sitting up by herself but she does well! 12.31.15- She rolled over from back to tummy. She now does it multiple times. She's even pushed her self up and moved from one end of her play mat to the other. 1/10/16- She waved "bye-bye." We've been working with her on this for awhile and she finally did it for her Daddy first. Nana and Poppa were over and also got to see. Thankfully, once I got up she did it again for Mama! She blows spit bubbles and loves to eat her toes!!

Sleep: She can still be a stinker. She's that baby that if I allowed it wouldn't nap, would be a total pain, and would wake up several times at night! Thankfully I noticed this early on and made sure we established a good routine. Baby wise has def been a great tool! Now with that said, there is still hard days but thankfully she is really starting to become a good sleeper!! Her day starts between 830-930. Most days it's right around 0900. She usually wants to eat, play briefly, then go right back down for a nap. So by 1000-1030am she's usually back down for a nap. Her cues for needing a nap are simply an increase in fussiness. She could play on her playmat or exersaucer for hrs, but once she's sleepy she just wants her bed. Her eyes might not show it but as soon as she gets into her room she's flying out of my arms. We still use the Merlin sleep suit and she always goes down with a Paci (very rarely does it fall out and if it does she's okay with it being out!). A friend made her a flat taggie lovie and she loves going to bed with that! She usually sleeps for 1.5-2hrs in the morning. So by noon-1230pm she is up. She'll nurse right away then play till about 1:30-230pm. She then goes back to sleep till about 430-5pm. Sometimes she does take a 45min nap from 545pm-630pm just so she's not super crabby. We start getting ready for bed around 730pm and she's down for bed by 8-830pm. 

The end of December we (or I should just say I) started CIO. She was waking at the same time every night (between 3-4am) and I knew it was just Bc she was used to be feeding her and putting her back to sleep. The first night she cried on and off for thirty min. The 2nd night she didn't even cry for 10min. The third night it was less than five. The fourth night she sleep until 5:30am!! Well- then our world got rocked and we had to travel to NJ unexpectedly. She did great the first two nights in NJ but after that she would wake around 4am east coast time. I didn't want everyone in the house to wake Bc of her so she got fed and went right back to sleep. She never uses her Paci in the middle of the night..even if I try and give it to her it makes her more mad usually. We  got back home from NJ the 9th and have since started again. 1.11.16 she only cried for 10min and woke to eat again at 545am. It broke this Mama's heart to let her cry a little but I knew when she was wake consistently at same time it was time to do something. As of today she's been on a roll of not waking till after 530am, eating, and sleeping till 8:30 or so!!! Yahoooo!!!

Best Moment: She smiles ALL the time. She is a little snuggler and loves open mouth kisses!!

Worst Moment: Their Grandma Sharon passed away and went to be with Jesus on 12.27.15. Arbs got her first plane ride and did fabulous. She hasn't fallen asleep in my arms since she was a babe so that was a sweet little treat.

Eating: She usually eats between 530-630am. Then eats around 9a, 12ish, 4ish, 6ish, and then right before bed. We tried solids (oatmeal, pears, and sweet pots) but towards end of Dec we stopped Bc she was extremely fussy and I don't think her tummy was ready. We have recently tried pears again and also peas...so far so good! We can't even eat around her anymore wihout hearing her whine. Hahaha

Extras: She LOVES bath time, her big sis, her jumpy- wall thing, exersuacer, singing sons, playing with her new piano, and her bed!! This 1/2 Birthday has been super emotional for me. Can't believe my baby is 6months away from being a big girl. She will soon be keeping up with her sis and this Mama is not ready for all that. Please stay little, stink! We love you to the moon and can't wait to watch you learn and explore this crazy world!! xoxoxo