Sunday, June 12, 2016

Arbor Victoria- 10 months old

Height: 27 3/4inches

Weight: 16lb 14oz 

She will now stand solo with nothing to hold onto. She will walk all over with her walker or as long as she's holding into our fingers! 5.3.16

Sleep: She goes to bed usually between 7-730pm. Sometimes a little earlier, sometimes a little later. All depends on how crabby she is or what we have going on! She will sleep till about 530-630, eat, then right back to bed till 745-8am. She then naps around 930-1130 and then again from 2-4pm. She loves her crib and will lay right down (as long as she has her lovie with her!!). 

Best Moment: She wraps her left arm around my neck as right as she can..she's not a big snuggler. But when she's tired or just wants her Mama she's a great snuggler. 

Worst Moment: She's been trying to cut her top teeth and is just plain miserable! 

Eating: She usually will have an early to
Mid morning feed, 0830, 1230, sometimes 2pm depending on how well she nursed at 1230, and then again around 430 or 5p, then right before bed. 

She still loves drinking from a straw or sippy cup...but most ends up down her front vs in her mouth.  She loves all foods except avocados. She would rather it big people food vs ground baby food. She loves crackers and bananas. 

Extras: She went underwater for the first time on 5.6.16. She loves the pool, bath time, her big sister, lovie, snacks, being outside, and playing independently. She is such a sweet little thing and oh-so ornery at times, too!!! Can't believe she's 10months!!