Tuesday, April 21, 2015

28 week bump-date (baby #2)

Definitely have no desire to take pics these days!! 

How far along: 28 weeks 

Gender: GIRL!!! So excited for Aynslee to have a sissy!! 

Weight gain: 21+ lbs...eeekk! 

Stretch marks: Nope! I have a feeling I'm not going to get so lucky this time...

Maternity clothes: I live in my scrubs and PJs! 

Sleep: No change. Except I could prob sleep for 24hrs straight (minus the bathroom breaks). Having a toddler, working nights, and being prego is a terrible combo!!  

Best moment this week: Repeat sono!! 

Worst moment this week: Feeling large and in charge :) 

Miss anything: Being able to get up off the ground easily and JIMMY JOHNS! 

Movement: Yes! Lots and lots. Her favorite time is 3am!!! 

Cravings: onions and anything sweet!! 

Queasy or sick: No! Thank goodness!!! 

Looking forward to: Hopefully finishing up her baby room and getting some new flowers planted in the yard!